2024 Calendar Year Print
2024 Calendar Year Print
I like being able to see the entire year when I’m planning stuff out, daydreaming, budgeting, etc. So I made my own calendar which is basically a giant poster where every month is viewable in a single glance. It’s meant to be written on and each day allows ample room for noting specific personal events, milestones, meetings, reminders, etc. Numerous items have already been plotted on the calendar such as:
• US Federal holidays
• Some religious holidays such as Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, etc.
• Some cultural holidays such as Thanksgiving, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day etc
• Some major sporting events such as Baseball Opening Day, March Madness, the 2024 Euros and the Olympics, NFL Playoff weekends, the US Open, etc.
• Reminders of full moons, solstices, and prominent meteor showers and eclipses visible in the US
• Each month includes a listing of the fruits and vegetables that are generally ripe and ready during that time
• Possibly my favorite part is that I’ve noted the 72 nature-driven occurrences that make up the Japanese microseasons. Now you can also look forward to “Parsley flourishing” in early January and “Rainbows hiding” in late November. 34” x 44”